Ke$ha: Petizione online dei fan per liberarla dal pop di Dr. Luke

Ai tempi precedenti all'uscita di Warrior Kesha dichiarò di voler fare un album influenzato dal rock n roll. Quando poi uscì Die Young ed in seguito l'album completo era chiaro che lo stile intrapreso con il disco era tutt'altro che rockeggiante, il solito pop con leggerissime influenze rock in qualche canzone.

Il motivo di questa scelta è dovuto alla casa discografica che non credette nelle capacità di Kesha e perciò mando il famoso produttore pop Dr. Luke ( autore tra l'altro di moltissime hit come quelle di Katy Perry ) a modificare completamente il lavoro della cantante.

“[...] Il talento e la creatività di Ke$ha sono stati coperti e controllati dalla gerarchia! Ke$ha è stata costretta a lavorare con il solito team. Dr. Luke sta controllando Ke$ha come una marionetta, alimentandola con ciò che lei non vuole e la sua creatività sta diminuendo, e la negatività si fa sentire sempre di più!”

“[...] Ke$ha rende chiaro che il produttore le sta impedendo di crescere fornendole le solite canzoni pop generiche. La cantante ha anche dichiarato che non ha voce in capitolo sull’album, nemmeno sulla scelta dei singolo (ndr. vedi tweet in cui confessa che non voleva realizzare ‘Die Young’)“

Come potete leggere da alcuni passi della petizione Kesha non ha mai avuto voce in capitolo nel suo album ed alla fine la scelta della casa discografica le si è rivolta contro. Il suo album, nonostante il grande successo di Die Young, si è rilevato uno dei più grandi flop dell'anno.

Questo è il testo integrale della petizione che potete trovare QUI:

It's no surprise that Ke$ha's craft of storytelling through music moves fans around the world. It's also nothing new that Ke$ha gets "bullied" as being one dimensional, or a one trick pony. "With Warrior, I want to show people I can write and sing" I think you can't really see Ke$ha's creativity and talent when it's being covered and controlled by higherarchy. It's no surprise that Ke$ha is "forced" to work with the same collective group of people, through each record. Dr. Luke is controlling ke$ha like a puppet, feeding her what she doesn't want, and her creativity is dwindling and affected negativity. In the first season of My Crazy Beautiful life, while showing the creative process behind Warrior, Ke$ha is shown recording the track Machine Gun Love, which was later turned down by the albums executive producers for it being too different and not being a sound that she's known for. Ke$ha makes it clear that her producer, Dr. Luke, is stunting her from growing as an artist by making her sing the same generic, predictable, recycled, pop song. Ke$ha also confesses that she has no say whatsoever in what makes the album not to mention what's released as a single which every artist should have a say in. Adding on, with the release of two of the singles Luke hand selected, they received no positive social media promotion or support, during their releases to radio as he did with his other stars he worked with. So many factors can be put together, and you can almost say and assume that Luke is almost trying to dismantle her career. "She struggles with the idea with why can't I make the music that I want to make" Wayne Coyne tells Billboard about Ke$ha's dilemma with her and her producer involving her music. He admits her creation is raw and genuine, and sees a side of her that doesn't care about the hit pop songs and marketing. Overall, Ke$ha just wants to be able to freely express her opinions through her music, and show sides of her she's been waiting to reveal since record one. The numerous cries for help have been indicitave that all she wants is to make music that makes her and her fans happy, and nothing that's forced and blunt. When Ke$ha, young and naive at the age of 18, was signed to Luke's 8 album contract, it's obvious that she was unaware of the severe pop puppeteer act she was soon to play by. What our fear as her fans should be is that she will soon lose interest in playing this industry game and stop releasing music under the tyrannical finger of Dr. Luke. I don't think Ke$ha can make it any clearer that she wants the world to hear her music and not the pop factory's unauthentic, soulless babble she is forced to call hers. Even listening to her unreleased song Dancing with the Devil should be enough evidence of Luke's evil ways.
